Galerija Arheološkog muzeja Zagreb (AMZ) / The Gallery of the Zagreb Archaeological museum (AMZ)

Ul. Pavla Hatza 6

Web (objave vezane uz Galeriju nalaze se na stranicama Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu):


Izlog Galerije / gallery showcase


Galerija Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu (AMZ) nedavno je otvoren prostor u kojemu tijekom cijele godine možete pogledati razne izložbe, prisustvovati predavanjima i raznim drugim događanjima.


The GALLERY OF THE ZAGREB ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM (AMZ) is a new, recently opened space where you can view various exhibitions, attend lectures and other events throughout the year.


Na ulazu u Galeriju dočekat će vas niski prag. Prag nije visok, no činjenica je da, ako ste u kolicima i sami ste, morate ipak uzeti maleni zalet ne biste li ga preskočili, a nogostup u Hatzovoj ulici nije širok i nemate puno prostora za tu radnju, pogotovo kada morate paziti i na druge pješake oko sebe. Unutar galerije možete se slobodno kretati, pod je ravan i nema zapreki. Legende su dovoljno nisko da ih i mi u kolicima možemo pročitati. Jedino što nedostaje su taktilne površine za slijepe i slabovidne, a nedostaju i opisi na brajici.

Galerija AMZ je za razliku od svoje matične ustanove pozitivan primjer pristupačnog prostora. Kada bi se nekako “riješio” prag na ulazu i kada bi se za slijepe i slabovidne napravile osnovne prilagodbe, ovaj bi prostor bio potpuno pristupačan!

Ulaz u galeriju AMZ / entrance to the gallery
Nogostup ispred Galerije / sidewalk in front of the gallery
Unutar Galerije / inside the gallery
Ravan pod diljem cijelog prostora / flat floor throughout the gallery


At the entrance you will be greeted with a low door threshold. The threshold is not high, but if you’re a wheelchair user and are visiting the gallery alone, you’ll have to take a small momentum to “jump” over it. The sidewalk on Hatzova Street is not wide and you don’t have a lot of room for the momentum, plus you have to mind others pedestrians around you. Inside the gallery you can move freely, the floor is flat and there are no obstacles. The descriptions are positioned low enough and are readable even if you are sitting. There are no adjustments for the blind or visually impaired persons.

Unlike its parent institution, the AMZ Gallery is a positive example of an accessible space. If the threshold at the entrance were somehow ‘solved’ and basic adjustments were made for the blind and visually impaired, this space would be completely accessible!

Povezani tekst:

Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu
