Koncertna dvorana Vatroslava Lisinskog / The Vatroslav Lisinski concert hall

Trg Stjepana Radića 4, 10000 Zagreb

Tel (centrala): +385 (0)1 6121 111

E-mail: blagajna@lisinski.hr

Web: http://www.lisinski.hr/hr/

Dvorana Lisinski / Lisinski Hall


Dvoranu Vatroslava Lisinskog projektirao je hrvatski arhitekt Marijan Haberle, a njena je izgradnja, uz povremene prekide trajala 13. godina. Svečano je otvorena 1973. godine, a ime je dobila po skladatelju prve hrvatske opere Ljubav i zloba. Tijekom godina Dvorana Lisinski učvrstila se na međunarodnoj glazbenoj sceni, a u njoj su izvodila razna imena klasične, jazz i popularne glazbe. Osim navedenog, u prostorima Dvorane često se organiziraju razni kongresi, skupovi, izložbe, kazališne predstave, filmske projekcije i druga događanja.


THE VATROSLAV LISINSKI CONCERT HALL was designed by the Croatian architect Marijan Haberle and its construction, with occasional interruptions, lasted 13 years. It was officially opened in 1973 and was named after the composer of the first Croatian opera Love and Malice. Over the years Lisinski hall has become an important place on the international music scene and hosted some of the most famous performers in classical, jazz and popular music. In addition to music events, various congresses, gatherings, exhibitions, theater performances, film screenings and other events often take place in Lisinski Hall.


Ulaz je u razini s pločnikom i dovoljno je širok za prolaz osobama u kolicima. Blagajna se nalazi odmah preko puta ulaza i lako joj se može pristupiti. Nažalost, šalteri su postavljeni visoko pa budite spremni na malo glasniju komunikaciju. U zgradi postoje dva dizala. Prvo se nalazi na glavnom ulazu i dovoljno je široko, a drugo je na katu koje će vas odvesti do Velike dvorane. Imajte samo na umu da je dizalo na ovome katu izrazito usko. U zgradi Dvorane nažalost postoji samo jedan zahod prilagođen osobama u kolicima i nalazi se na katu, u neposrednoj blizini drugog dizala.

VELIKA DVORANA potpuno je pristupačna osobama u kolicima, pod je cijelom dužinom ravan, a prepreki nema. U Velikoj dvorani nema označenih sjedala za osobe s invaliditetom, no prolazi između sjedališta dovoljno su široki da osoba u kolicima tu može zauzeti mjesto. U nastavku hodnika ispred Velike dvorane nalazi se foàjē u kojem se često odvijaju razna događanja. MALA DVORANA nalazi se u prizemlju zgrade, desno od ulaza. Na ulazu će vas dočekati drvena rampa, a na ovoj etapi puta do muzičkog doživljaja nalazi se i rukohvat, što je dobra vijest za sve koji koriste druga pomagala za kretanje. Iako je auditorij Male dvorane u razinama i zapravo je svaki red sjedališta nivo za sebe, po potrebi djelatnici Dvorane iznijet će drvene rampe pomoću kojih osobe u kolicima mogu sići u niže redove bliže pozornici.

Iako je Lisinski u pravilu pristupačan, pomalo je nelogično da, ako prisustvujete nekom događanju u Maloj dvorani i “priroda vas zovne”, pozivu se možete odazvati jedino tako da obiđete pola zgrade ne biste li došli do zahoda na katu, pošto zahodi pored Male dvorane nisu pristupačni osobama u kolicima… Nadam se da će se u budućnosti barem jedan prilagođen zahod pojaviti i u prizemlju zgrade!

Ulaz u Dvoranu /entrance to the Lisinski Concert Hall
Dizalo na glavnom ulazu / elevator at the main entrance
Dizalo na katu / elevator on the upper floor
Jedini pristupačan zahod u Dvorani Lisinski / The only accessible toilet in the Lisinski building
Ulaz u Veliku dvoranu s lijeve strane / entrance to the Main Hall on the left
Pogled na Veliku dvoranu / View of the Main Hall
Ulaz u garderobu Male dvorane / entrance to the cloakroom of the Small Hall
Ulaz u Malu dvoranu / entrance to the Small Hall
Pogled na Malu dvoranu / View of the Small Hall
Drvena rampa u Maloj dvorani / Wooden ramp in the Small Hall


The entrance is in level with the sidewalk and wide enough for wheelchair users to pass. The box office is located right across the entrance and is easily accessible. Unfortunately, the counters are placed high, so be prepared for a louder communication. There are two elevators in the building. The first is at the main entrance and is wide enough, and the second is on the upper floor and this one will take you to the Big hall. Just keep in mind that the elevator on the upper floor is extremely narrow. Unfortunately, there’s only one accessible toilet in the building and it’s on the upper floor, next to the second elevator.

BIG HALL is fully accessible to wheelchair users. There are no marked seats in the Big hall, but you can be seated in the aisles. In the continuation of the corridor in front of the Big hall, there’s a foàjē, where various events often take place. SMALL HALL is located on the ground floor of the building, to the right of the entrance. At the entrance you’ll be greeted by a wooden ramp, and at this stage of the journey to the musical experience there’s also a handrail, which is good news for anyone who uses other mobility aids. Although the auditorium of the Small Hall is in levels, if necessary, the staff of the Hall will bring out wooden ramps to help wheelchair users down into the lower rows closer to the stage.

Although Lisinski is generally accessible, it is somewhat illogical that, if you attend an event in the Small Hall and “nature calls to you”, you can only answer the calling by going around half the building to get to the toilets on the upper floor, since the toilets next to the Small Hall aren’t accessible to wheelchair users… I hope that in the future at least one accessible toilet will appear on the ground floor of the building!
