Atelijer Meštrović / The Meštrović atelier

Mletačka 8, 10 000 Zagreb

Tel: +385 (0)1 48 51 123

Mob: +385 (0)99 634 9063



Pogled na Atelijer / View of the Atelier


Atelijer Meštrović je umjetnički muzej sa stalnom izložbom radova hrvatskog kipara i arhitekta Ivana Meštrovića. Smješten je na zagrebačkom Gornjem gradu, u adaptiranom dijelu kompleksa kojeg je Meštrović kupio i doradio početkom 20. stoljeća. Atelijer djeluje u sklopu Muzeja Ivana Meštrovića koji još čine Galerija Meštrović i Meštrovićeve Crikvine-Kaštilac u Splitu te Crkva Presvetog Otkupitelja u Ružiću.


The Meštrović atelier is an art museum with a permanent exhibition of works by Croatian sculptor and architect Ivan Meštrović. It’s located in Zagreb’s Upper Town, in an adapted part of the complex which Ivan Meštrović purchased and renovated at the beginning of the 20th century. Atelier is a part of the Ivan Meštrović Museums, which are comprised of the Meštrović Gallery and Meštrović’s Crikvine-Kaštilac in Split and the Church of the Most Holy Redeemer in Ružić.


Nažalost, Atelijer Meštrović nije pristupačan osobama u kolicima. Iako na službenim web stranicama Atelijera stoji informacija da je posjetiteljima s poteškoćama u kretanju omogućen pristup prizemlju kuće, atriju, atelijeru i vrtu, jednom kada dođete do ulaza shvatite da tome baš i nije tako. Da biste uopće prišli ulazu, morate preskočiti jednu stepenicu, a zatim će vas na ulazu u predvorje dočekati još četiri stepenice. Treba napomenuti i to da nema rukohvata. Na službenim stranicama se osobama s poteškoćama u kretanju preporuča dolazak uz pratnju (cvatem od sreće kada nam se govori kako bismo se trebali kretati ovim gradom), a moguće je i najaviti dolazak. Na stranicama još piše da je dopušten ulaz psima vodičima, a uz najavljen dolazak, slijepi i slabovidni posjetitelji će dobiti rukavice za dodirivanje skulptura i djelatnici će ih provesti kroz postav.

Jednostavno moram napomenuti da nije ok uzeti termin poteškoće u kretanju i smatrati da je njime pokriven gotovo pa i cijeli spektar osoba s tjelesnim invaliditetom. Nismo svi isti i ne trebamo biti. Nekima njihove “poteškoće” neće predstavljati izazov pri ulazu u pojedinu instituciju, drugima kao što sam ja čine i te kako veliku razliku. Prijedlog naveden na stranici o ugodnijem posjetu uz pratnju uopće neću komentirati.

Pozdravljam postavljanje informacija o pristupačnosti na službene web stranice, no te bi informacije trebale biti jasne i detaljne, u protivnom je bolje da ih nema.

Ulaz / entrance
Pogled s ulaza / view from the entrance


Unfortunately, Meštrović Atelier is not accessible to wheelchair users, although the official website states that visitors with mobility difficulties have access to the ground floor of the house, atrium, atelier and garden, once you reach the entrance, you realize that’s not exactly the case. To reach the entrance, you have to skip a step, then at the entrance to the atrium you’ll be greeted by four more steps. There’s also no handrail. The official website states that people with mobility difficulties are recommended to come with an escort (I simply burst with joy whenever we’re told how we should move around this city). It is also possible to announce your arrival in advance. The site also states that guide dogs are allowed and that with prior notice, blind and visually impaired visitors will be provided with gloves for touching the sculptures and will be guided through the exhibition.

I simply have to mention that it is not ok to take the term mobility difficulties and consider that it covers almost the entire spectrum of persons with physical disabilities. We are not all the same and we don’t have to be. For some, their ‘difficulties’ won’t pose a challenge when entering a particular institution, for others, like me, they make a big difference. I will not comment at all on the suggestion made on the page about a more pleasant escorted visit.

I welcome the posting of accessibility information on official websites, but this information should be clear and detailed, otherwise it shouldn’t be on there.
