Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica / Croatian National and University Library (Zagreb)

Ulica Hrvatske bratske zajednice 4 p.p. 550, 10000 Zagreb

Tel (Informacije / information desk): +385 1 616 4002, +385 1 616 4040



Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica / Croatian National and University Library (Zagreb)


Dolaskom isusovaca i osnivanjem gimnazije, zbirka Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice osnovana je još početkom 17. stoljeća u Zagrebu. Kako je u Zagrebu 1776. osnovana Akademija znanosti, a isusovački red ukinut, zbirka prelazi u sastav Akademije te nastavlja širiti fond raznim vrijednim donacijama. U to vrijeme knjižnica otvara svoja vrata javnosti. Godine 1874. osnovano je Sveučilište u Zagrebu, a knjižnica postaje njegov sastavni dio te prerasta u Sveučilišnu knjižnicu. Već je i onda knjižnica bila i od nacionalnog značaja zbog svih vrijednih izdanja koje je čuvala. Iako je knjižnica kroz svoju dugu povijest više puta mijenjala prostore (zgrada Državnog arhiva dugo joj je bila dom i to je bila prva zgrada u ovom dijelu Europe građena za knjižnicu), Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica 1995. godine seli u prostore u kojima se i danas nalazi.


With the arrival of the Jesuit order and the establishment of Jesuit grammar school, the Croatian National and University Library collection was founded in Zagreb at the beginning of the 17th century. As the Academy of Sciences was founded in Zagreb in 1776 and the Jesuit order was disbanded, the collection became part of the Academy and the fund kept expanding with valuable donations. Around that time the library opened it’s doors to the public. In the year 1874 the University of Zagreb was founded and the library became an integral part of it, becoming a University Library. Even then, the library was of national importance as well because of all the valuable publications it preserved. Although the library has changed its premises several times over its long history (the National Archives building has long been a home to the library and it was the first building in this part of Europe built for the library) in the year 1995 Croatian National and University Library moved into it’s new home where we can still find it today.


Osobe u kolicima uglavnom se mogu bez problema kretati prostorima Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice. Ulazu se može pristupiti serpentinom sa zapadne strane, te rampom koja se nalazi na južnoj strani. Serpentina na zapadnoj strani je pomalo strma, no cijelom je dužinom popločena, dok je rampa na južnoj strani pomalo nezgodna jer je staza dijelom popločena, a oko nje su postavljene kamene ploče u koje prednji kotači lako zapnu. Na istočnoj strani do glavnog ulaza vode stepenice, no postoji i ovdje jedna prilagodba, a to su taktilne trake vodilje za slijepe i slabovidne osobe.

Jednom kada se popnete do glavnog ulaza, imajte na umu da su vrata teška i da ćete morati malo manevrirati kolicima ne biste li ušli.

Prilagodbe izvana se uglavnom nastavljaju i u prizemlju knjižnice, tako da do info pulteva i liftova vode taktilne trake, a desno od ulaza, pomalo sakrivena, nalazi se i rampa za osobe u kolicima. Aulom knjižnice krećete se bez ikakvog problema, isto vrijedi i za katove, mjesta ima dovoljno među policama, jedini problem predstavlja sag koji vas pomalo usporava i smanjuje reakciju kolica.

U zgradi postoje četiri lifta i jednom kada do njih dođete, prilagodbe za slijepe i slabovidne osobe prestaju. Čudi me, moram priznati, što na tipkama nema oznaka i na brajici, pogotovo kada ulaz u knjižnicu toliko obećava. Same tipke postavljene su mrvicu previsoko tako da, ako ste u kolicima i idete na najviše katove, morat ćete nekoga zamoliti da pritisne tipku umjesto vas.

U knjižnici postoje dva zahoda prilagođena osobama u kolicima. Prvi je u prizemlju, lijevo od ulaza, a drugi se nalazi na trećem katu. Nije mi jasno zašto je sama wc školjka morala biti postavljena toliko blizu zidu, kada je bilo dovoljno mjesta u zahodu i meni to, gotovo pa naslanjanje na zid predstavlja mali problem jer nemam dovoljno mjesta za okrenuti se. Strašno smeta desna drška koja je zbog zida preblizu te je fiksna i ne da se pomaknuti da se oslobodi malo prostora.

Moram napomenuti, iako u trenutku snimanja za ovu objavu RESTORAN na 5. katu nije bio otvoren, prostori restorana također su pristupačni, a osoblje restorana će vam bez problema pomoći prenijeti odabrano do stola.

Iako su neke stvari mogle biti bolje napravljene, za Nacionalnu i sveučilišnu knjižnicu možemo reći da je prilagođena osobama u kolicima. Žao mi je što se nije pazilo i na osobe s drugih spektara invaliditeta, pogotovo kada uzmemo u obzir da se radi o instituciji nacionalnog značaja, no s obzirom na godinu izgradnje i nepovezanost struke i prakse, možemo, odnosno nemamo druge nego biti zadovoljni.

Rampa (južna strana) / Ramp (south side)
Serpentina (zapadna strana) / Serpentine (west side)
Taktilne trake / Tactile guides
Glavi ulaz / Main entrance
Rampa i taktilne trake / Ramp and tactile guides
Aula / Main hall
Čitaonice / Study halls
Liftovi / Elevators
Tipke / Keys
Ulaz u zahod na trećem katu / Entrance to the toilet on the third floor
Preblizu desnom zidu / Too close to the right wall


Wheelchair users are generally able to move freely around the premises of the Croatian National and University Library. The entrance can be accessed by serpentines on the west side of the building and a ramp located on the south side. The serpentine on the west side is a bit steep, but is paved through out, while the ramp on the south side is a bit tricky as the path is partly paved and stone slabs are placed around it, so front wheels can easily get stuck in them. There are stairs leading to the main entrance on the east side, but there is also an adjustment here – tactile guides for the blind and partially sighted persons.

One you climb your way up to the main entrance, keep in mind that the door is heavy and it’ll take some maneuvering to pass through.

Exterior adjustments are generally continued on the ground floor of the library, so there are tactile guides leading to info desks and elevators, and to the right of the entrance, slightly hidden, is a ramp for wheelchair users. You can also move freely on all floors, there is enough space among the shelves, the only problem is the rug slowing you down a bit and reducing the wheelchair response.

There are four elevators in the building and once you’ve reached them, adjustments for the blind and partially sighted persons cease. To be honest, I find it strange that the elevator keys aren’t also in braille, especially when the entrance to the library is so promising. The keys themselves are set a little too high so if you’re in a wheelchair and going to the top floors, you’ll have to ask someone to press the key for you.

There are two toilets in the library that are wheelchair accessible. The first is on the ground floor, to the left of the entrance, and the second one is on the third floor. I don’t see why the toilet itself had to be positioned so close to the wall, when there is so much space around it, and that is causing me slight problems, because I don’t have enough space to turn. The right handle is in the way, and it can’t be lifted to free up some space because it’s fixed to the wall.

I must mention that although at the time of filming for this blog post, the restaurant on the 5th floor wasn’t open, the restaurant space is also accessible, and the restaurant staff will gladly help you transfer your selections to the table.

Although some things could have been done better, we can say that the National and University Library is wheelchair-friendly. I’m sorry that people from other spectrums of disabilities were not taken into consideration, especially when we take into account that this is an institution of national importance, but considering the year it was built and the disconnection of the profession and practice, we can, or rather have no choice, but to be satisfied.

1 misao o “Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica / Croatian National and University Library (Zagreb)
