Kabinet grafike (HAZU) / Department of Prints and Drawings (CASA)

Adresa A. Hebranga 1, 10000 Zagreb

Tel.: 01/4895 390

E-mail: kabgraf@hazu.hr

Web: www.kabinet-grafike.hazu.hr

Ulaz sa Zrinjevca / Entrance from Zrinjevac


Kabinet grafike specijalizirani je muzej u sastavu Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti (HAZU), a osnovan je 1916. godine u sklopu tadašnje Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, kao Odsjek Strossmayerove galerije. Službeno započinje s radom 1951. Godine. Fundus Kabineta grafike sadrži oko 20 000 inventarnih jedinica, te je razvrstan u četiri  zbirke:

  1. Stara zbirka i Zbirka 19. stoljeća (obuhvaća grafike i crteže inozemnih i hrvatskih umjetnika od 15. do 19. Stoljeća)
  2. Zbirka 20. i 21. stoljeća  (obuhvaća crteže i grafike hrvatskih i inozemnih autora)
  3. Zbirka plakata  (plakati najvažnijih hrvatskih umjetnika)
  4. Zbirka grafičkih matrica (primjerci hrvatskih grafičara)


THE DEPARTMENT OF PRINTS AND DRAWINGS of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (CASA) is a specialised museum that was established in 1916 as a part of the then Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts, a Division of the Strossmayer Gallery. It officially started operating in 1951.

The Cabinet of Graphics holds around 20,000 inventory units, and is divided into four collections:

  1. The Old collection of drawings and prints (includes prints and drawings by foreign and Croatian artists from the 15th to 19th century)
  2. The Collection of 20th and 21st centuries (drawings and prints)
  3. The Collection of posters (posters of the most important Croatian artists)
  4. The Collection of chalcographic plates (copies of Croatian printmakers)


Kabinet grafike HAZU je nažalost još jedna od onih institucija kojima osobe u kolicima ne mogu prići samostalno. Ulaz sa Zrinjevca nije pristupačan jer će vas tamo dočekati puno stepenica, ista je situacija i na dvorišnom ulazu, koji osim stepenica ima i visok prag. Iz razgovora s jednom od voditeljica Kabineta doznala sam da se situacija s pristupom najvjerojatnije neće ni mijenjati, što je nažalost situacija s velikim brojem kulturnih institucija u Gradu Zagrebu…

Dvorišni ulaz / Courtyard entrance


The department of prints and drawings is unfortunatelly yet another institution non accessible to  wheelchair to enter on their own. The entrance from Zrinjevac is not accessible because you’ll be greated by many stairs, the applies to the courtyard entrance, which in addition to the stairs has a high threshold. From an interview with one of the Cabinet leaders, I learned that the situation with access will probably not change, which is unfortunately a situation with many cultural institutions in the City of Zagreb…
