Predstavljanje bloga na konferenciji Kultura različitosti / Presentation of the blog at the conference A culture of diversity

Dio programa drugog dana Konferencije


Prošli sam mjesec imala jedinstvenu priliku predstaviti ovaj blog na online (zoom) konferenciji Kultura različitosti: podzastupljene i ranjive skupine u muzejskom okruženju, međunarodnom stručno – znanstvenom skupu u organizaciji Tiflološkog muzeja u Zagrebu.

U fokusu konferencije bila je uloga muzeja u spajanju različite publike te upozoravanju na probleme s kojima se suočavaju osobe s invaliditetom u kulturnom okviru. Konferencija se dotakla i pitanja diskriminacije, nasija, ksenofobije i drugih aktualnih problema u društvu.

Zajedno s kolegicom Željkom Sušić, muzejskom pedagoginjom savjetnicom u Tiflološkom muzeju održala sam predavanje na temu: Muzeji – mjesta mogućnosti socijalne interakcije i refleksije.

U prvome dijelu prezentacije kolegica Sušić izložila je i pojasnila terme kao što su socijalna isključenost i posljedice koje ona ima na život pojedinca. Ujedno je govorila i o zagrebačkom potresu i pandemiji koje su iz muzejskog svijeta isključile slijepe osobe koje muzejski predmet doživljavaju dodirom, no to sada zbog zatvaranja muzeja nije moguće. U drugome dijelu red je bio na meni predstaviti blog i time se osvrnuti upravo na tu socijalnu isključenost koja se jasno odražava u nepristupačnosti kulturnih institucija, s naglaskom na muzeje i galerije. Osim toga dotaknula sam se i budućnosti bloga kojeg čeka redizajn, objavljivanje i na drugim društvenim mrežama i ono možda najvažnije – uključivanje i online sadržaja u objave na blogu.

Više o konferenciji možete pročitati putem linka:

Osim toga, kratka recenzija skupa izašla je i na stranicama Muzejsko dokumentacijskog centra:

Ovim putem zahvaljujem Tiflološkom muzeju na pozivu i na tome što su mi dali priliku reći pokoju riječ i o ovome projektu!


Last month I had a unique opportunity to present this blog at the online (zoom) conference A culture of diversity: underrepresented and vulnerable groups in a museum environment, an international professional-scientific conference organized by the Typhlological Museum in Zagreb.

The conference focused on the role of museums in connecting different audiences and drawing attention to the problems people with disabilities face in the cultural context. The conference also touched on issues of discrimination, violence, xenophobia and other current issues in society.

Together with my colleague Željka Sušić, museum pedagogue and advisor at the Typhlological Museum, I gave a lecture on the topic: Museums – places of opportunities for social interaction and reflection.

In the first part of the presentation, colleague Sušić presented and explained the terms such as social exclusion and the consequences it has on the life of an individual. She also spoke about the Zagreb earthquake and the pandemic, which excluded blind people from the museum world who experience a museum object by touch, but now this is not possible due to museums closing down. In the second part it was my turn to present the blog and thus look back at the social exclusion, which is clearly reflected in the inaccessibility of cultural institutions, with an emphasis on museums and galleries. In addition, I talked a little about the future of the blog, which is awaiting redesign, posting on other social networks, and perhaps most importantly – the inclusion of online content in blog posts.

You can read more about the conference via link:

In addition, a short review of the conference was published on the website of the Museum Documentation Center:

I would like to thank the Typhlological Museum for the invitation and for giving me the opportunity to say a few words about this project!


Kao što sam spomenula, blog u jednom trenutku čeka i redizajn, a razmišljam i o objavljivanju na drugim društvenim mrežama, no ono najvažnije što će već od iduće objave biti vidljivo i naglašeno jest uključivanje online aktivnosti kulturnih institucija. Ovaj dio sam do sada zanemarivala jer sam bila fokusirana na arhitektonske barijere, dok na pristup online sadržaju nisam razmišljala, a podjednako je važan, kako smo se svi mogli uvjeriti u vrijeme pandemije i „lockdowna“!


As I mentioned, the blog is awaiting a redesign at some point, and I’m thinking about publishing on other social networks, but the most important thing that’ll be visible and emphasized from the next post on is the inclusion of online activities of cultural institutions. I’ve neglected this part so far because I was focused on architectural barriers, while I did not think about access to online content, and it is equally important, as we’ve all witnessed during this time of the pandemic and the ‘lockdown’!
