Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu / The Croatian national theatre in Zagreb

Trg Republike Hrvatske 15, 10000 Zagreb

tel(blagajna): 01 4888 415



Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu / The Croatian national theatre in Zagreb


Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu kao središnja i najstarija kazališna institucija u Hrvatskoj službeno sa radom započinje još 1860. godine. Dao ga je izgraditi zagrebački veletrgovac Kristofor Stanković, a zgradu su projektirali talijanski arhitekti Christofor i Anton Cragnolini u neoklasicističkom stilu. Unutar Kazališta djeluju operni, dramski i baletni ansambl koji zajedno po sezoni izvedu i više od 200 izvedbi raznih stilova i razdoblja klasičnoga i suvremenog repertoara.


The Croatian national theatre in Zagreb, as the central and oldest theater institution in Croatia, officially began operating in 1860. It was built by the Zagreb wholesaler Kristofor Stanković, and the building was designed by the Italian architects Christofor and Anton Cragnolini in the neoclassical style. Within the Theatre, there is an opera, drama and ballet ensemble, which together perform more than 200 performances of various styles and periods of classical and contemporary repertoire per season.


Voljela bih da mogu za naše najstarije kazalište reći da je mislilo na problem pristupačnosti, no iako je „pristupačno“ osobama u kolicima, pri samom ulazu i unutar zgrade ima puno  izazova koje moramo premostiti ne bismo li pogledali neku od izvedbi. Do samog ulaza morate stazu uređenu kamenim kockama koje nikako nisu prijatelji uskih prednjih kotača kolica. Sam ulaz je pomalo strm i morate preskočiti jedan omanji rubnik da biste došli do vrata.

Foaje je ravan i tu nema prepreka, no da biste došli do dvorane, morate proći 5 stepenica i izrazito strmu „rampu“. Ne znam zašto se ovakve „prilagodbe“ rade, ali često na njih naiđem. Ova rampa jedino je korisna ako imate kofer na kotačiće i ne želite ga vuči po stepenicama. Zadnji put kada sam ušla u kazalište, dvoje me zaposlenika moralo gurati i spuštati s te rampe i jedva su to izveli. Ne mogu vam opisati strah koji sam osjećala tih nekoliko sekundi. Ovakvo nešto ne da nije dobro izvedeno, čak je i opasno! Ako nema prostora za rampu, ovakve je eksperimente bolje izbjegavati, jer sama logika bi trebala nalagati – ako je nešto prestrmo da biste po tome hodali, onda je svakako prestrmo za bilo kakva kolica.

U dvorani nema mjesta namijenjenih osobama u kolicima, već će vas kad dođete smjestiti odmah uza zid, lijevo ili desno od ulaza u dvoranu.

Skoro zaboravih, Kazalište nema pristupačan zahod, što može predstavljati popriličan problem, pogotovo ako gledate dužu izvedbu. Za kraj ću reći samo da žalim što si ovako važno kazalište nije dalo truda i promislilo malo o pristupačnosti, kao što su to napravila kazališta koja sam do sada obišla i predstavila na blogu.

Kamene kocke do ulaza / Stone cubes to the entrance
Strm ulaz i rubnik / Steep entrance and a curb


I wish I could say that our oldest theater had accessibility in mind, but although it is „accessible“ to wheelchair users, there are a lot of challenges at the entrance and inside the building that we have to overcome to see any of the performances. A path decorated with stone cubes leads to the very entrance and those are, by no means, no friends of the narrow front wheelchair wheels. The entrance itself is a bit steep and you have to skip a small curb to get to the door.

The foyer is flat and there are no obstacles, but to get to the hall, you have to cross 5 steps on the way or a very steep ‘ramp’. I don’t know why such “adjustments” are made, but I often come across them. This ramp is only useful if you have a wheeled suitcase and you don’t want to drag it up the stairs. The last time I visited the theater, two employees had to push me up and down that ramp and they barely made it. I can’t describe the fear I felt during those few seconds. Something like isn’t only done poorly, it is even dangerous! If there’s no room for a ramp, such experiments are better avoided, because logic itself should dictate – if something is too steep to walk on, then it is certainly too steep for any kind of wheels.

There is no space designated for wheelchair users in the hall, but when you arrive you’ll be placed right next to the wall, to the left or right of the entrance to the hall.

I almost forgot, the Theatre doesn’t have an accessible toilet, which can present quite a problem, especially if you’re watching a longer performance. To end this post I will I regret that such an important theater did not put thought and effort into accessibility, as theaters I’ve visited and presented on the blog so far did.

Možemo li uopće ovo nazvati rampom? / Can we call this a ramp at all?
Nema mjesta prilagođenih kolicima / No designated space for wheelchair
“Smještaj” pored ulaza u dvoranu / A “seating” next to the entrance of the hall


Na Facebook stranici Kazališta možete naći najave izvedbi i fotografije s onih već održanih. Isto vrijedi i za Twitter, dok na Instagram profilu možete vidjeti i poneki kratki video uradak izvedbi.  Isto vrijedi i za YouTube kanal koji je nedavno otvoren.


On the Facebook page of the Theatre, you can find performance announcements and photos from those already performed. The same goes for Twitter, while on the Instagram profile you can see short videos of the performances. The same goes for the recently created YouTube channel.

EDIT (24.12.2021.):

Pročitajte više o uvedenim prilagodbama kulturnog sadržaja za gluhe i nagluhe osobe u Hrvatskom narodnom kazalištu i Muzeju prekinutih veza odabirom poveznice / Read more about the adaptations of cultural content for the deaf and hard of hearing in the Croatian national theater in Zagreb and the Musem of broken relationships:

Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu i Muzej prekinutih veza uveli prilagodbe kulturnih sadržaja za gluhe i nagluhih osobe / The Croatian national theater in Zagreb and the Museum of broken relationships introduced adaptations of cultural content for the deaf and hard of hearing