Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu i Muzej prekinutih veza uveli prilagodbe kulturnih sadržaja za gluhe i nagluhih osobe / The Croatian national theater in Zagreb and the Museum of broken relationships introduced adaptations of cultural content for the deaf and hard of hearing

Kada sam, prije malo više od dvije godine, pokretala ovaj Blog, jedno od najčešćih pitanja koje su mi ljudi postavljali bilo je hoću li pokriti institicije koje sam već posjetila u slučaju da dođe do nekih promjena po pitanju pristupačnosti. Naravno da je odgovor bio potvrdan i mogu reći da je konačno došao i taj dan – dan kada mogu napisati da je barem jedna (u ovom slučaju čak dvije) institucija napravila taj iskorak prema zajednici osoba s invaliditetom i unijela neke prilagodbe!

Savez gluhih i nagluhih Grada Zagreba proveo je dvije prilagodbe kulturnih sadržaja za gluhe i nagluhih osobe kroz projekt “Uho za kulturu”, financiran od strane Ministarstva kulture i medija Republike Hrvatske, a u partnerstvu s Hrvatskim narodnim kazalištem u Zagrebu i Muzejom prekinutih veza. U studenom je u Hrvatskom narodnom kazalištu u Zagrebu uvedena induktivna petlja. Induktivna petlja omogućuje osobama sa slušnim aparatom da jasno čuju govornika odnosno da zvukove oko sebe čuju bez smetnji. Osim toga, u najavi su i četiri predstave koje će biti prevedene na hrvatski znakovni jezik!

U muzeju prekinutih veza, od početka ovoga mjeseca, korisnici mogu zatražiti tablet na koji je snimljen opis eksponata na hrvatski znakovni jezik i na taj način dodatno iskusiti posjet Muzeju! Prevoditeljice na ovome projektu su Nives Gotovac i Dorijana Kavčić, koje su, bez sumnje odradile fantastičan posao!

Za više informacija o projektu posjetite službenu FB stranicu:

…a ja ću biti toliko slobodna i nakon dvije godine vođenja ovog bloga objavu završiti izrekom: eppur si muove!

Slika logotipa projekta preuzeta sa službene web stranice Saveza gluhih i nagluhih Grada Zagreba / Picture of the project logo taken from the official website of the Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing of the City of Zagreb

When I started this Blog, a little over two years ago, one of the most common questions people asked me was whether I would cover the institutions I had already visited in case there were any changes in terms of accessibility. Of course, the answer was yes and I can say that the day has finally come – the day when I can write that at least one (in this case even two) institutions have made that step towards the community of people with disabilities and made some adjustments!

The Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing of Zagreb has made two adaptations of cultural content for deaf and hard of hearing, through the project ‘Uho za kulturu’ (Ear for culture), funded by the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia and in partnership with the Croatian national theater in Zagreb and the Museum of broken relationships. An inductive loop was introduced at the Croatian national theater in Zagreb in November! The inductive loop allows people with hearing aids to hear the speaker clearly, that is, to hear the sounds around them without interference. In addition, four performances are announced that will be interpreted in Croatian sign language!

In the Museum of broken relationships, from the beginning of this month, users can request a tablet with a description of the exhibits in Croatian sign language and thus further experience a visit to the Museum! The interpreters on this project are Nives Gotovac and Dorijana Kavčić, who, without a doubt, did a fantastic job!

For more information on the project visit the official FB page:

… and I will allow myself the freedom to, after two years of running this blog, end the post with the phrase: eppur si muove!

2 misli o “Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu i Muzej prekinutih veza uveli prilagodbe kulturnih sadržaja za gluhe i nagluhih osobe / The Croatian national theater in Zagreb and the Museum of broken relationships introduced adaptations of cultural content for the deaf and hard of hearing
