Muzej grada Zagreba / Zagreb City Museum

Opatička 20, 10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385 4851 361, +385 4851 362



Muzej grada Zagreba / Zagreb City Museum


Muzej grada Zagreba osnovala je Družba „Braća Hrvatskoga Zmaja“ još 1907. godine. Muzej je prvotno bio smješten u jednom od simbola Gornjega grada – Kamenitim vratima, a prostor je tijekom svoje duge prošlosti mijenjao nekoliko puta. Danas se nalazi u zgradi bivšeg samostana opatica klarisa, sagrađenoj još u 17. stoljeću. Stalni postav Muzeja priča priču o gradu Zagrebu i njegovim stanovnicima od samih početaka pa do danas. Muzej predmete okuplja u čak 28 zbirki, a brine i o 8 zbirki donacija. Zbirke su raznovrsne, pa da ih ne nabrajam ovdje, svakako posjetite službenu web stranicu te svakako, ako ste u prilici, posjetite i muzej!


Zagreb City Museum was founded by the The Society of Brethren of the Croatian Dragon in the year 1907. The museum was originally located in the one of the symbols of the Upper Town – Stone Gate, but it moved several times during its long past. Today the museum is located in the building of the former convent of the nuns of the Poor Clares, built in the 17th century. The permanent exhibition of the Museum tells the story of the city of Zagreb and its inhabitants from the very beginning until today. The museum collects items in as many as 28 collections, and takes care of 8 collections of donations. The collections are diverse, so to not list them all here, be sure to visit the official website and of course, if you can, visit the museum!


Ovaj muzej, ako se izuzme stepenica na samome ulazu, je potpuno pristupačan i prilagođen osobama sa različitih spektara invaliditeta. Ako ste u kolicima, jedini problem bi vam mogla stvarati upravo ta stepenica na samom ulazu. Na stranicama muzeja stoji broj telefona koji možete nazvati u slučaju da vam treba pomoć pri ulazu, a mene su, kada sam bila u posjetu, djelatnici vidjeli na kamerama i odmah pohrlili u pomoć, tako da čak nisam ni mobitel stigla izvaditi iz džepa! Jednom kada savladate tu stepenicu, ostatkom muzeja možete se kretati bez problema jer barijera nema, osim pokojeg ukošenog praga. Izlošci i legende postavljeni su dovoljno nisko da ih je iz sjedećeg položaja moguće lako vidjeti i pročitati. Muzej je opremljen rampama i liftom, a u podrumu se nalazi i pristupačan WC. Ispod zgrade muzeja nalazi se i arheološko nalazište koje nama u kolicima nije dostupno, no barem možemo proviriti kroz vrata, da se tako izrazim.

Stalni postav muzeja prilagođen je slijepim, slabovidnim i gluhoslijepim osobama. Tekstovi glavnih legendi otisnuti su uvećanim tiskom, a dostupni su i na Brailleovom pismu. Pored legendi može se naći i replika muzejskog izloška koja se smiju dirati. Na blagajni muzeja moguće je zatražiti povećala za slijepe i slabovidne osobe, a dostupni su i audio vodiči.


This museum, with the exception of a step at the very entrance, is completely accessible and adapted to people on different spectrum of disabilities. If you’re a wheelchair user, the only problem you could have is that one step at the entrance. The museum’s website lists a phone number you can call in case you need help entering, but when I visited, the staff saw me on camera and immediately rushed to aid, so I didn’t even get to take my cell phone out of the pocket! Once you get over that step, you can move freely around the rest of the museum, there are no barriers except for a few sloping thresholds. The exhibits and legends are set low enough that they can be easily view and read from a sitting position. The museum is equipped with ramps and elevators, and there is an accessible toilet in the basement. Below the museum building is an archeological site, unaccessible to us,  wheelchairs users, but at least we can peek through the door, so to speak.

Museum’s permanent exhibition is adapted for blind, partially sighted and deafblind persons. The texts of the main legends are printed in large print and are also available in Braille. Replica of a museum exhibit can be found next to the legends and can be touched. Magnifying glasses can be requested at the museum’s box office, audio guides are also available.

Stepenica na ulazu / Step at the entrance
Stalni postav / Permanent exhibition
Arheološko nalaziše / archeological site
Legende su dovoljno nisko / Legends are set low enough
Legenda na uvećanom tekstu i Brailleovom pismu / Legend in enlarged print and Braille
Kopija muzejskog izloška koje se smije dirati / Replica of a museum exhibit that can be touched


Trenutno je u tijeku izložba MALI PREDMETI – VELIKE PRIČE, prva iz ciklusa izložbi pod nazivom „Zagreb in spe“. Ideja izložbe je kroz šest odabranih predmeta iz muzejskog fundusa približiti korisnicima arheološku prošlost Zagreba. Izložba je koncipirana tako da je potpuno dostupna i osobama s invaliditetom: 

  • pazilo se na visinu izložbenih vitrina
  • ispred svake vitrine nalaze se taktilna traka za slijepe osobe
  • svaki predmet ima i svoju repliku koju slijepe osobe mogu opipati
  • tekst legendi je na Brailleovom pismu i uvećanom tisku
  • legende su ujedno prevedene na Hrvatski znakovni jezik, dodan je i titl, a postoji i audio zapis

Ova trostruka prilagodba teksta izložbe ostvarena je u suradnji sa Hrvatskim savezom gluhoslijepih osoba Dodir s kojim Muzej grada Zagreba surađuje već više od 20 godina kroz razne programe i izložbe. O Dodiru sam već pisala, pa da se ne ponavljam, toplo preporučam da ih zapratite na njihovoj službenoj web stranici i Facebook profilu kako ne biste propustili obavijesti o novim izložbama te zanimljivim/(prijeko) potrebnim projektima koje provode za zajednicu gluhoslijepih osoba u Hrvatkoj!


Currently, the exhibition SMALL OBJECTS – BIG STORIES is in progress, the first in a series of exhibitions entitled “Zagreb in spe”. The idea of the exhibition is to bring the users closer to the archeological past of Zagreb through six selected items from the museum’s holdings. The exhibition is designed so that it is fully accessible to people with disabilities:

  • height of the display cases was taken into account
  • in front of each display case there’s a tactile strip for the blind
  • each item has its own replica that blind people can touch
  • legends are in Braille and enlarged print
  • legends were also interpreted into Croatian sign language, a subtitle was added, and an audio recording is also available

This triple adaptation of the text of the exhibition was realized in cooperation with the Croatian Association of Deafblind Persons Dodir, with which Zagreb City Museum has been cooperating for over 20 years through various programs and exhibitions. I’ve already written about Dodir, so to not repeat myself unnecessarily, I strongly recommend that you follow them on their official website and Facebook profile just so you don’t miss notifications about upcoming exhibitions and interesting/(much) needed projects for the community of Deafblind persons in Croatia!

Legende na Hrvatskom znakovnom jeziku, uz titl i audio zapis / Legends in Croatian sign language, with subtitle and an audio recording (the photo was taken with permission from the official Facebook page of the Croatian Association of Deafblind Persons Dodir)
Pogled na izložbu / View of the exhibition
Uvećani tekst, Brailleovo pismo,


Službena web stranica Muzeja bogata je korisnim sadržajem. Osim osnovnih informacija o muzeju, radnom vremenu i kontaktima, jedan cijeli segment posvećen je i pristupačnosti muzeja OSI. Na stranicama možete pogledati virtualne izložbe, a možete se informirati i o zbirkama muzeja koje su popraćene tekstom i fotografijama muzejskih izložaka. Pohvalno je i to što je na stranicama dostupan izbornik pristupačnosti putem kojeg korisnici mogu mijenjati veličinu fonta teksta i kontrast pozadine! Na Facebooku, Instagramu i Youtube kanalu muzeja korisnici mogu, osim promotivnih aktivnosti, vidjeti i informativni/edukativni sadržaj!

Muzej grada Zagreba je 2020. godine postao dio međunarodne muzejske zajednice Come In!


Museum’s official website is rich with useful content. In addition to basic information about the museum, opening hours and contacts, an entire segment is dedicated to the accessibility of museums for the persons with disabilities. The site offers virtual exhibitions tours, and you can also view museum’s collections, which are accompanied by text and photographs of museum exhibits. It’s also commendable that an accessibility menu is available on the site and users can change the text font size and background contrast! In addition to promotional activities, users can see informative / educational content on the museum Facebook, Instagram and Youtube channel!

Zagreb City Museum became in the year 2020 part of the international museum community Come In!
