Kotačima po Vukovaru / Through Vukovar on wheels

Ljeto ima običaj nas kontinentalce na nekoliko dana odvuči u morske krajeve, no ja sam se prošloga ljeta ipak našla u slavonskome kraju! Mogu iskreno reći da sam uživala u obilasku grada, ako zanemarimo ljetne temperature od kojih se i gume kolica lijepe za asfalt! Jedno sam lijepo poslijepodne provela u Vukovaru i u današnjoj ću vam objavi pokušati oslikati jednu malo pozitivniju sliku ovoga grada kroz prizmu pristupačnosti oko koje se ovaj Blog uglavnom i vrti!

Summer has a habit of dragging us continentals to the seaside for a few days, but last summer I managed to find myself in the Slavonian region! I can honestly say that I enjoyed the tour of the city, if we ignore the summer temperatures that make even the wheelchair tires stick to the asphalt! I spent a lovely afternoon in Vukovar and in today’s post I’ll try to paint a slightly more positive picture of this city through the prism of accessibility which is the focal point of this blog!


Vukovarski vodotoranj građen je od 1963. do 1968. godine, visok je 50,33 metara a izgradila ga je zagrebačka tvrtka Hidrotehna prema projektu zagrebačkog projektnog biroa Plan. Tijekom Domovinskog rata toranj je pretrpio veliku štetu, no 201. godine započela je donatorska akcijap rikupljanja sredstava za projekt obnove i konzervacije Vukovarskog vodotornja. Realizacija projekta započela je u svibnju 2017. godine te je ista završena 2020. godine. Vodotoranj je pristupačan osobama u kolicima, do izložbenog prostora dolazi se dizalom, a u sklopu šetališta nalazi se i pristupačan WC te kafić.

Vukovar water tower was built from 1963. to 1968, the tower is 50.33 meters tall and was built by Hidrotehna and designed by the project office Plan, from Zagreb. During the Homeland War the Tower suffer great damage but in 2016 a fundraising event began with the purpose of restoring and conserving the Vukovar water tower. The realisation of the restoration and conservation began in May 2017 and was completed in 2020. The water tower is accessible to wheelchair users, the exhibition area can be reached by elevator, and within the promenade area there’s an accessible toilet and a cafe.

Vukovarski vodotoranj / Vukovar water tower
Dizalo / Elevevator
Šetalište / Promenade
Izložbeni prostor / Exhibition area
Popis donatora na samom vrhu tornja / Donator list at the top of the tower
Pogled s vrha / A view from the top


Radovi na stalnom postavu Muzeja Vučedolske kulture započeli su 2014. godine, a Muzej je svečano otvoren za javnost u lipnju 2015. godine. Muzej nudi uvid i presjek civilizacijskog dosega vučedolske kulture. Muzej je u potpunosti pristupačan osobama u kolicima. Serpentine vode cijelim postavom, nema stepenica, a svi su izlošci i tabele s tekstom dovoljno nisko postavljeni da ih se bez problema može vidjeti.

Work on the permanent exhibition of the Vučedol Culture Museum began in 2014, and the Museum was officially opened to the public in June 2015. The museum offers an insight and cross-section of the civilizational reach of the Vučedol culture. The museum is fully accessible to wheelchair users. Serpentines lead through the entire setup, there are no stairs, and all the exhibits and tables with text are positioned low enough to be viewed without problems.

Muzej Vučedolske kulture / Vučedol Culture Museum
Serpentine / Serpentines
Nastajanje muzeja / The story of the museum
Izložbeni prostor 1 / Exhibition area 1
Izložbeni prostor 2 / Exhibition area 2
Izložbeni prostor 3 / Exhibition area 3
Izložbeni prostor 4 / Exhibition area 4
Izložbeni prostor 5 / Exhibition area 5


Izlet smo završili vrlo kratkom šetnjom centrom grada te vam idućih nekoliko fotografija ostavljam kao poziv za posjet ovom lijepom gradu! Jedno veliko hvala dragim prijateljima na ovako lijepom izletu i do idućeg puta!

We ended the trip with a short stroll through the city center, and I leave you the next few photos as an invitation to visit this beautiful city! A big thank you to my dear friends for such a nice trip and see you next time!

Grafit umjetnika Juandresa Vere nastao u sklopu projekta VukovArt / Graffiti by the artist Juandres Vera created as part of the Vukovart project
